Caravan in january 2021

This unique expedition caravan under my leadership is not a classic holiday, but an exclusive adventure trip through picture book desert landscapes. Together with Moorish nomads, we travel far away from civilisation from the ancient caravan town of Chinguitti southwards through the Erg Ouarane sand sea to the Tagant region. We learn the nomads’ craft, search for lonely water points and hike demanding daily stages in the rhythm of the camels.
This trip has a real expedition character and demands curiosity, desert experience, team spirit, renunciation of comfort, active participation in caravan life and very good mental and physical health from all participants.
Mauritania: Nomad for a while
Duration: 16 days
Date: 02.–17.01.2021
Type of trip: Caravan + nomad school
Price: 3.075 Euro
Starting point: from/to german Airports
Tour guide: Jerome Blösser
Group size: 6-10 participants
Level: 4 (demanding)