My desert journeys have always been marked by extraordinary encounters, exciting discoveries and sometimes hard borderline experiences. None of this I will ever forget. Why do you go to the desert?, I am often asked. Attempts to explain my deeply felt love for the desert can be found in the form of books.
In the text-illustrated book “Freiheit unterm Wüstenhimmel” (Freedom under the desert sky), published by the renowned Frederking & Thaler Verlag, I present my personal desert stories to the reader.

Publisher info:
Jerome Blösser is the desert adventurer with over 25 years of experience in the inhospitable deserts of our earth. His new text-illustrated book shows the most beautiful adventure stories from all over the world and gives you an insight into seemingly foreign cultures. The “son of the desert” drank coffee with the Inuit in Greenland, bathed in the rainwater lake in the heart of the Sahara, made countless deep friendships and immersed himself deeply in the culture of the desert peoples. In ten exciting and entertaining chapters, he takes readers to the last untouched regions of our earth.
Countries in the book: Mauritania, Greenland, Libya, China, Namibia, Oman, Bolivia, Iceland, Egypt, Iran.
192 pages, approx. 200 illustrations
Format 22.7 x 27.4 cm, hardcover with dust jacket
ISBN-13: 978-3-95416-275-8
selling price 29,99 Euro
Frederking & Thaler Publishing House
Mit rated by Amazon readers:
“Sensational, beautiful and inspiring.”
“Great pictures but also great basic knowledge about the deserts of this world, combined with exciting travelogues. Very lovingly and at the same time professionally designed!”
“Great book! Unfortunately it makes me sick – I get wanderlust!”
“It’s exciting… great pictures, perfect quality … It’s very well done and you can feel the passion!”
In National Geographic’s new book “Abenteuer im Gepäck”, (Adventures in Luggage), border crossers and world travellers like Reinhold Messner, Hans Kammerlander and myself tell of their unusual lives.

Publisher info:
Border crossers and globetrotters report on setting out and arriving, on insights and resistance, on encounters that can change lives.
This book is the essence of over a hundred episodes of the WELTWACH podcast by Erik Lorenz – and a cross-section of what adventure is all about.
Among other things: Reinhold Messner, Rüdiger Nehberg, Jerome Blösser, Christine Thürmer, Joey Kelly, Michael Martin, Carmen Rohrbach, Hans Kammerlander, Bruno Bauman and Dirk Rohrbach.
192 pages, approx. 110 illustrations
size 17 x 24 cm, hardcover
ISBN: 9783866907256
selling price 24,99 Euro
National Geographic Publishing House
Please note: Both books are in German!